Designed for working Engineers

Real Experience, Real Tools, Real Exercises, for Real Engineers

As an Engineer in the 21st century your selection of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools and classes is virtually limitless, but your time isn’t.

Recognizing this the International CAE Education Center (ICAEEC) is developing a new series of Online CAE Power courses around industry standard tools using real world examples that provide you with real experience that you can use in the workplace.

Unlike OEM based training courses, which are built around theoretical exercises, our Power CAE courses are designed to give you the practical knowledge and skills needed to perform complex engineering analysis at your job.

You will be able to learn following our tough distance-learning design, using problems that are based on your specific industry and interests, so that you will get real results in the shortest amount of time.

Don’t wait for the 22nd century to come around, start today and become a better engineer tomorrow.

Attendees to these courses will get a permanent license of the CAE Software student version used during the course.

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